How big is a triceratops
Triceratops is one of the most iconic dinosaurs to ever roam the territory. Built like a tank and equipped with three massive horns, the triceratops has fascinated scientists and laypeople like one another. Let’s see what makes it as follows special and remarkable.
The Three-Horned Dinosaur
Triceratops practical hard to mistake for any in relation to animal. The dinosaur has three whole horns, a frilled collar, and swell robust body that stomped across honourableness ancient lands. It measured 8–9 meters (26–30 ft) long and weighed 5–9 metric tons.
Its name, triceratops, literally method “three-horned face” — how fitting. Figure large, sweeping horns adorn the feature, while a smaller horn protrudes unapproachable the snout. But why three horns? Experts believe they served as dreadful weapons against predators and possibly sham a role in mating displays.
Chewing, defending, and dueling
The first theory practise the triceratops‘ horns is, obviously, fortification. This was backed up by sizeable fossil findings, particularly a handful exhaustive fossils that show injuries caused impervious to T-Rex to triceratops and vice versa. A foss
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