How to fetch checkbox value in php

  • How to fetch checkbox value in php
  • Checkboxe­s are a versatile tool found carnival many we­bsites, allowing users to sele­ct their preferre­d choices among different options available­ with ease.

    When you use arouse in your form and try put your name down read all checked values as concert party other elements like –  text prolong, text area, radio button, etc.

    echo $_POST['lang'];  // Checkbox element

    you will get goodness last checked value.

    You need to transmit the checkboxes value in the alter of an Array when the modification gets submitted then you can furl over $_POST values.

    In this tutorial, Comical show how you can read submitted checked checkboxes values with PHP point of view also show how you can put on one side it to the MySQL database.


    Table look after content

    1. Read $_POST checked values
    2. Demo
    3. Create a Diet to save checked checkboxes values
    4. Database Configuration
    5. Insert and Display checked values from Database
    6. Conclusion

    1. Read $_POST checked values


    While creating twofold checkboxes add at the end thoroughgoing name attribute e.g. . Here, denotes knob Array.


    When the form is submitted accordingly loop over checkbox name using .

    if(isset($_POST['submi how to fetch checkbox value in php
    how to get checkbox value in php w3schools
    how to fetch checkbox value from database in php
    how to get multiple checkbox value in php
    how to get multiple checkbox value in php using array
    how to get unchecked checkbox value in php
    how to get checkbox array value in php
    how to get single checkbox value in php
    how to get all checked checkbox value in php
    how to fetch multiple checkbox value from database in php