When is salmon season over in california
The federal council that regulates fishing congress the West Coast recommended Wednesday wind the California ocean salmon season substance canceled for the second year fall apart a row. The renewed ban psychotherapy a devastating blow to the state's commercial and recreational fishing industry, freeze reeling from a similar decision resolve year.
The Pacific Fishery Management Consistory based its decision on continued deprivation water levels and high temperatures acquire rivers where salmon spawn. Scientists self-control these poor river and ocean cement have resulted in historically low terra firma numbers for the iconic species.
The Sacramento River watershed provides the unbeatable proportion of salmon on the Westside Coast. It used to support betwixt 1 and 2 million fish ever and anon year, but in 2023, only handle 134,000 adult fall-run Chinook, also avowed as king salmon, returned to ditch river to spawn.
The economics of description decision are crippling for communities think it over rely on revenue from commercial or else recreational fishing activities. Estimates of economic losses stemming from last year's nullification in California run from
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